a musical journey

12/1/23 - Two Funk Fridays featuring TheBeau Goss Band - Unplugged
@ Two Vintners - Artisan Hill Location (18576 142nd Ave NE
Woodinville WA, 98072) 6-8pm
11/17/23 -FACC PNW Wine festival
6/4/23 - High Dive The Beau Goss band with Jasmine Amira teams up with Seattle based reggae band The Highlife band
5/6/23 - Egan's Ballard Jamhouse with harmonica player Steve Bailey 9:30pm
RSVP Recommended - reservations@ballardjamhouse.com
3/19/23 - FrenchFest 1pm (Seattle Center) with Jasmine Amira
1/28/23 - Crossroads Main stage 7pm with Jasmine Amira
12/09/22 - Egan's with Jasmine Amira
10/23/22 - The Royal Room with Jasmine Amira
9/22/22 - Tam O Shanter FACC PNW Wine festival
6/17/22 - private event
6/12/22 - Nectar lounge
5/6/22 - Crossroads Main stage
4/22/22 - Gala Les Lilas ​

About the music
There is no particular style to describe Cyrille Gosselin’s band. It is a musical journey. Some songs are tinted with jazz chords or New Orleans rhythms, testimony of the band's love for American musical heritage. You can clap and dance or get carried away listening to beautiful guitar picking with the simple apparel of acoustic songs. All songs are originals and composed by Cyrille Gosselin.
Jasmine Amira is an exceptionnal singer who's talent will touch your soul deeply. We have cover songs jazzed up from Beyonce to Billie Eilish that we can't wait to share with you!
Jasmine Amira ... Vocals
Cyrille Gosselin ... Guitars, Vocals
Nick Wees ... Trumpet
Darian Asplund ... Tenor Sax
Alex Babakoff ... Bass
Chris Hankins ... Drums
The Royal Room
Egan's Ballard Jamhouse
Seattle Center Armory
Crossroad Mall main stage
Januik Winery
Columbia City Theater
Fairmont Olympic Hotel
Two Vintners